Top Of The Week

Understanding Addiction Statistics: Who, What, Where and How

It is estimated that about 0.5 million deaths annually are attributable to drug use, with about 350,000 deaths of men and ...

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Addiction

Addiction is a chronic brain disease that can affect anyone, regardless of their character or moral standing. Science has ...

4 Different Forms of Addiction: A Comprehensive Guide

Chemical addiction is a difficult topic to discuss, as there is often confusion surrounding substance abuse, dependence,...

The Consequences of Addiction: What Happens When You Get Hooked?

Addiction is a condition in which something that was once pleasurable now feels like something you can't live without. It ...

Celebrities Who Overcame Addiction: Where Are They Now?

It seems that a new celebrity entering rehab for drug and alcohol addiction is a weekly headline these days. Fortunately, ...

When Addiction is a Maladaptive Behavior?

If you have had mental health problems in the past (especially with anxiety), you may have experienced addiction. Alcohol ...

Top Of The Month

Recent Post

Understanding Addiction: How It Affects the Whole Family and How to Help

Addiction is a complex condition that can have a devastating impact on the entire family. It is important to understand...

Understanding Addiction in the Brain: How Substance Abuse Treatment Works and How to Help Families

Addiction is a complex phenomenon that affects not only the individual but also their family and loved ones. Our...

Overcoming an Addiction: Is it Possible?

Addictions can be difficult to overcome, but it is possible with the right plan and resources. Olympia House Rehab's...

The Causes of Addiction: Understanding the Roots of Substance Abuse

Addiction is a complex issue that has been studied for many years. It is now understood that there are multiple causes of ...

When addiction ruins a relationship?

Describe how alcohol and drug addiction affects the whole family. Explain how substance abuse treatment works, what...

When Addiction Steals My Baby Girl: A Song of Hope

When life throws us a curveball, it can be hard to find the strength to keep going. But in the face of adversity, there...

What Does Addiction Look Like?

Addiction is a complex condition that can be difficult to identify. It is commonly associated with substance abuse, but...

Understanding Addiction: What it Means and How to Overcome It

Addiction is the inability to stop using a substance or engaging in a behavior, even though it is causing psychological...

Editors Picks

When Addiction Takes Over: How Substance Abuse Treatment Works and What Family Interventions Look Like

When Addiction Takes Over: How Substance Abuse Treatment Works and What Family Interventions Look Like

Alcohol and drug addiction can have a devastating effect on the entire family. It is important to understand how...

The Brain of Addicts: A Closer Look

The Brain of Addicts: A Closer Look

Many people who suffer from addiction have inherited a brain that has difficulty saying no to drugs. A study published in ...

What Does Addiction Mean in a Relationship?

What Does Addiction Mean in a Relationship?

Addictive relationships can be characterized by an obsessive focus on the partner, while neglecting one's own needs....

When Addiction Wins: Understanding Alcohol and Drug Addiction and How to Help Families Affected

When Addiction Wins: Understanding Alcohol and Drug Addiction and How to Help Families Affected

Alcohol and drug addiction can have a devastating effect on the entire family. It's a heartbreaking reality that...

What Does Addiction Feel Like?

What Does Addiction Feel Like?

Alcohol and drug addiction is a problem that affects the entire family. It can be difficult to understand how substance...

What is the Most Serious Form of Addiction?

What is the Most Serious Form of Addiction?

The most well-known and serious addiction is to drugs and alcohol. Nearly 1 in 10 Americans has an addiction to both, and ...